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Movie Football Helmets > "The Waterboy" South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs Game one 5" Tall mini Helmet
"The Waterboy" South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs Game one 5" Tall mini Helmet

Price: No Price
Availability: This product is back-ordered; it is unavailable for ordering at this time please come back or continue shopping.
Prod. Code: Movie Mini Helmets

********THIS HELMET is a

5" tall mini football helmet ********

**IT will NOT fit a child or adults head TO WEAR FOR HALLOWEEN :-) 


This is a mini football helmet of the Muddogs Game helmet before they started winning with Bobby

Complete with single gray bar mask , metal chinstrap snaps and buckle on high mount chinstrap. 

Just like Bobby wore in Game one . (This is not to be worn by KIDs or Adults. YOU CAN NOT WEAR THIS MINI FOOTBLL HELMET unless your head is the size of a CAT) 5" tall

The Waterboy-NeedleDick - YouTube




If you need an order by a certain day, please call 407-808-1768 or email Jp@GridironHelmets.com for shipping options

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